Health, Safety and Wellness of employees

2023 key figures:

  • 15 – number of employees who have taken occupational health & safety and accident prevention courses
  • RUB 96,100 – cost of workplace safety measures taken

Material topic:

Decent work environment, skill development, staff retention

GRI: 3-3

What Expert RA values most is human life and health. This makes it pay special attention to creating a safe and healthy work environment training its employees and establishing conditions that help improve their wellness.

Job Safety Management

GRI: 2-23, 403-1

The Agency has taken a comprehensive approach to ensuring employee safety. Key policies and by-laws governing the functioning of the occupational health & safety management system are as follows:

Occupational Health & Safety Policy Documents goals and activities aimed at protecting the life and health of workers; serves to ensure compliance with statutory regulationa and labour protection requirements
The Agency’s key objectives in the area of occupational health & safety include:
  • Create a healthy and safe work environment
  • Create conditions conducive to employee compliance with labour protection requirements
  • Control the compliance with labour safety regulations
  • Work upon preventing injuries and diseases from workplace health risks
  • Continuously improve working conditions

The division of workplace-safety-related responsibilities between executives is documented in the Agency by-laws. The Agency has several levels of work environment safety control and maintenance:

I control level

Heads of business units

II control level

Person responsible for workplace safety

The Agency’s occupational-safety-related expenses include measures to improve working conditions, prevent work-related ill-health and accidents, and reduce injuries.

Assessment of Working Conditions and Work-Related Hazards

GRI: 403-2, 403-8

To prevent work-related accidents and ill-health, the Agency implements labour protection measures, such as special evaluation of working conditions and assessment of work-related hazards. As part of efforts to organise occupational risk management, the occupational safety officer takes measures to identify hazards and assess/ mitigate occupational health and safety impacts.

No external audit of the Expert RA’s workplace safety management practices has been carried out over the reporting period.

Expert RA is committed to creating a culture, in which employees report accidents and potential hazards to either their line manager or the occupational safety officer, in writing or orally.

Training in Occupational Safety

GRI: 403-5

The Agency has an ongoing process to instruct personnel on occupational health and safety, which is carried out in compliance with the law.

Employee Wellness

GRI: 403-3, 403-4, 403-6, 403-7, 403-9, 403-10

No accidents or work-related ill-health were recorded in the Agency in 2023.

Expert RA places great emphasis on maintaining the physical and mental health of its employees. It has implemented employee wellness programmes to increase productivity and avoid financial losses by reducing sickness absence.

The Agency plans to adopt job safety and employee wellness goals in 2024.