Procurement Practices

Expert RA has adopted the Procurement Regulations.

Documents governing the Agency’s procurement practices:
  • Expert RA’s Procurement Regulations
  • Expert RA’s Procurement Committee Regulations

The purpose of the Regulations is to streamline procurement procedures for goods, works and services on a competitive basis and to optimise the procurement process, minimise costs, and make sure that the Agency’s needs for goods, works and services are met in a smooth and timely manner. The Regulations establish uniform rules and basic principles for procurement practices.

The Agency carries out its procurement activities in accordance with the following principles and rules set out in its Procurement Regulations.

Principles followed in making purchases:
To increase the procurement efficiency, the following thresholds have been set depending on a purchase cost:
  • If the purchase cost is less than RUB 100,000, a request for quotation is made to select the counterparty.
  • If the purchase cost is RUB 100,000 or higher, a tender is carried out using an electronic trade platform or through the corporate information system.

The Procurement Committee was established to summarise competition (tender) results and decide the winner. The Committee membership is subject to the approval of the Management Board. The Procurement Committee makes its decisions by a simple majority of votes. The General Director —Chair of the Management Board has the right to veto the Committee’s decisions.

As part of the procurement procedure and review of the bids received, the Agency conducts a detailed analysis of business reputation and financial standing of potential suppliers. In particular, almost all tender assignments contain requirements to provide recommendations from clients of the bidders. The Asset Protection Service conducts a comprehensive assessment of economic, financial and legal risks of service providers with whom the Agency plans to conclude contracts. At the same time, the Internal Control and Risk Analysis Service performs checks to identify and prevent possible conflicts of interest with related parties and the Agency’s core activities. The responsible persons also maintain a register of unfair suppliers.

The Agency had 170 suppliers in 2023.

The Agency does its best to establish business relations with counterparties which have an impeccable business reputation and adhere to the principles of social and environmental responsibility.