Risk management is an integral part of the Expert RA’s corporate governance system. It provides for an active involvement of the Agency’s business units and employees in risk identification and assessment, a continuous expansion of the scope of research into potential threats and dangers, a systematical integration of risk-related information into managerial decisions and the improvement of the internal control system.
The Agency has a risk management system, which has the form of a systematic process of risk identification, assessment and regulations, implemented with a view to:
Ensuring a more reliable achievement of expected results and promoting the Agency’s sustainable development
Being compliant with the regulatory requirements and the Agency’s by-laws
Achieving a more effective allocation of resources
Enhancing the Agency’s investment attractiveness and shareholder value
Risk Management Process
The Agency’s risk management system is governed by special by-laws and policies, including the Risk Management Policy and the Internal Control System Regulation.
Expert RA identifies the following sustainability risks:
Risk minimisation measures
Cybersecurity and data privaсy
Security leakage; compromise of management or production information
Improving technical and software controls of information security
Carrying out strict control and verification when hiring new employees to ensure compliance with the requirements for professional experience and work conduct and reject persons not meeting these requirements
Raising information security awareness among personnel
Violations of legal requirements, including the Bank of Russia’s subordinate laws
Ensuring an effective functioning of the Internal Control and Risk Analysis Service
Ensuring the relevance of the Agency’s by-laws
Introducing automated controls
Giving regular personnel training
Information technologies
Violation of business continuity due to the unavailability and limited functionality of foreign software
Delayed development of the Agency’s IT platform, failure of the Agency’s IT support processes to meet the requirements stemming from the nature and scale of the Agency’s activities
Making transition to domestic software
Implementing the Agency’s digital transformation programmes in order to introduce the most modern technologies, analytical tools and information processing methods, enhance the staff digital culture, strengthen assessment processes and improve the rating quality
Personnel management
High personnel turnover
Shortage of qualified personnel, needed to ensure the continuity and further development of the Agency’s rating activities
Weakening of labour productivity
Ensuring decent working conditions
Developing employee motivation programmes
Investing in staff training and development to ensure a high level of expertise and quality of provided services
Automating routine processes
Rating process
Late response to the deterioration of the rated entities’ circumstances
Ambiguous interpretation of rating information disclosed by the Agency (such as the rating rationale) by the investment community, the media and others concerned
Implementing automated means of monitoring customer information
Automating control procedures
Standardising information disclosure processes
Participating in webinars, conferences, providing feedback to users of credit ratings and others concerned
Taking an active part in industrial events, publication of research and reports, joining to professional communities to enhance the Agency’s authority and reputation as a professional partner
Risk identification and management are the responsibility of the internal control (IC) bodies. Expert RA operates a multi-level IC system, which comprises the aggregate of governance bodies, business units and executives functioning as part of the IC system plus organisational arrangements, methods and procedures developed and employed to effectively implement a process designed to reasonably ensure the achievement of the Agency’s goals. The tasks of the Agency’s IC system include:
Expert RA’s System of Internal Control Bodies
Expert RA employs control procedures, including automated systems, aimed at identifying and preventing conflicts of interest and ensuring the independence of the rating process from any political and/or economic influences, as required by Federal Law No. 222-FZ, regulations of the Bank of Russia and the Agency’s local regulations.
Risk identification, analysis and assessment are carried out, inter alia, by the Internal Control and Risk Analysis Service (the ICRAS). The latter is Expert RA’s operational unit reporting to the BoD. The General Director — Chair of the Management Board enables the ICRAS’s smooth and effective operation.
ICRAS functioning principles
ICRAS has the following functions:
Monitoring of the compliance of Expert RA and its employees with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including regulations of the Bank of Russia, as well as the Agency’s by-laws (“the Russian Federation legislation and the ABLs”), monitoring of the regulatory risk and the conflict-of-interest risk management
Prevention and obviation of violations of the Russian Federation legislation and the ABLs by the Agency and its employees; prevention of conflicts of interest
Inspection / audit of the compliance of Expert RA and its employees with the Russian Federation legislation and the ABLs
Generation of regular reports on the results of inspections/audits, identification of risks and corrective actions and submitting them for consideration to the General Director — Chair of the Management Board and the Board of Directors
Participation in the development of the Agency’s by-laws defining the internal control practice and procedures
Coordination and development of the corporate risk management system;
Risk identification, assessment and analysis
Control of the timeliness of document submission to the Bank of Russia in accordance with the requirements of laws governing CRA activities
Participation in the processing of complaints (appeals, applications) received by the Agency
Organisation and preparation of statutory reports and disclosures in accordance with the requirements of laws governing CRA activities, etc.
Engagement with the users of credit ratings, professional associations, the Bank of Russia, and other stakeholders
In 2023, the ICRAS internal audits have revealed minor risks and deficiencies in the control environment. To eliminate them, the Agency has adopted action plans aimed at improving control procedures and relevant by-laws. Audit findings, as well as the results of implemented corrective measures, are regularly reviewed by the BoD.