



Voluntary Health Insurance

Green Bonds

Bond issues whereby the proceeds are exclusively applied to finance or refinance, in part or in full, new and/or existing eligible green projects and which are aligned with the core components of the green bond principles. The latter are considered to mean the Green Bond Principles developed by the International Capital Market Association, as well as the sustainable financing requirements, set out in the Russian Federation Government’s Decree No. 1587 dated 21 September 2021 “On Endorsing the Criteria for Eligibility Review and Verification of Sustainable Development Projects (Including Green Projects) in the Russian Federation”.


Information technologies

Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Emissions that result from the reporting organisation’s activities but are actually emitted from sources owned by other entities.

Scope 2 GHG emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions that result from the consumption of electricity, heat or steam purchased from external generating entities.

Scope 3 GHG emissions are other indirect GHG emissions that result from the mining or production of purchased materials, fuels or services, or their transportation by facilities not owned/ controlled by the reporting entity, or from the activities of external contractors, or waste disposal or other activities.


Small & midium-size enterprises

Direct GHG emissions

GHG emissions from sources owned or controlled by the reporting entity

Social Bonds

Social Bonds are any debt instruments where the proceeds are exclusively applied to finance or re-finance, fully or in part, new and / or implemented social projects and which are aligned with the key social bond principles and / or the Social Project Taxonomy. The social bond principles are considered to mean the Social Bond Principles, developed by the International Capital Market Association. The Social Project Taxonomy means the social project eligibility criteria approved by the Russian Federation Government Decree dated 21 September 2021 “On Endorsing the Criteria for Sustainable (Including Green) Development Projects the and Requirements for Verification of Sustainable (Including Green) Development Projects in the Russian Federation”.

Sustainable Development Sector

The initiative of Moscow Exchange and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, aimed at promoting fund-raising by companies implementing projects of an environmental or social nature


The UN Sustainable Development Goals


Artificial Intelligence

Big Data

Set of approaches to processing very large and complex data sets with a view to obtaining results comprehensible to humans


Investing principles that prioritise environmental, social, and corporate governance principles

GRI, GRI Standards

Sustainability reporting standards developed by the Global Reporting Initiative (known as GRI), an international independent standards organisation


International Capital Market Association


International Organization of Securities Commission


Principles of Responsible Investment — UN initiative to promote responsible investment principles


Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

SASB Professional & Commercial Services, Sustainability Accounting Standard

Sustainability accounting standard for providers of professional and commercial services, developed by the SASB


United Nations Environment Programme — Finance Initiative